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Sunday 21 June 2015

(Detox Day 9 thru 14) My 21 day experience with Joshi's Alkaline Diet detox programme

Still going strong in the resolve that I will complete this cleanse and stick to allowable foods. Not so strong in really immersing myself in the new lifestyle. I could see myself doing this cleanse for a few months possibly more if I could dedicate more time to things such as researching recipes and making them, exercising, etc. A support system of some kind would be very helpful too. Either family/friends or something online. A place to go for ideas, questions, recipes, etc. I have many questions on how to transition out of the cleanse. What should I just always avoid eating? What should I limit? Is it ok to go back to butter and mayo or should I still avoid them? What about bread? Should I stick to gluten free or can I have my multigrain again? Can I have wine or should I really avoid it and have vodka instead? So many questions!!

Day 9 (Tuesday) – I pretty much always have the same breakfast, Muesli with rice milk and a banana. I had a parsnip, carrot and celery juice for midday snack. It was ok tasting. I am still very much struggling with drinking my vegetables. For lunch I pretty much have a version of the previous night’s supper. I switch between turkey, fish and chicken. Crazy day!! Our local ATB was robbed by gun point!!!

Day 10 (Wednesday) – I went to the chiropractor today and had an amazing neck adjustment!!! I had wine Wednesday at my house, as normal. I thought I would avoid it during my cleanse but I decided that if I wasn’t around people having wine and smoking while on my cleanse that it would prove to be a much bigger deal when I am finished the cleanse.

Day 11 (Thursday) – Went for lunch with some colleagues. I had a salad with chicken, no dressing but an oil balsamic on the side…which I used some of the oil...most of the herbs and some of the balsamic (but really less than ½ tsp).

Day 12 (Friday) – Had lymphatic massage as recommended in the book. We had steelhead fish for supper and wow was that ever an oily fish! That is exactly the kind of fish that is recommended in the book, oily. And it was amazingly tasty!! Watched a movie with a gf and was missing wine a bit but not bad.

Day 13 (Saturday) – I wasn’t able to do my cleanse drink today cuz I went to a 50th wedding anniversary. I made sure I wasn’t hungry and had a ton of water into me. There were many food options but not much for someone on a cleanse, I had carrots, broccoli and snap peas. Later we went for supper at Swiss Chalet. I had the quarter chicken dinner (dark meat) with their vegetable medley (which had no butter or seasoning on it) and no bun. I did have a very minuscule amount of the chalet in less than ½ tsp total (it is gluten free).

Day 14 (Sunday) – Really wishing I could eat eggs, which are allowable on the cleanse but not allowable according to my intestines. I wonder if after this cleanse I would be able to eat them again? I guess in some ways I’m just not really sure what this cleanse is and isn’t doing for my body. I will have to read more of the chapters I have skimmed while reading the how to sections for the cleanse.

So far my challenges are:
  • Having a variety of different foods, having beans or lentils
  • Remembering to eat slowly and at a table, though I am chewing more
  • Getting my morning routine down so I can get to work, waking early is a challenge
  • Exercising, I still haven’t done anything

So far my strengths are:
  • Getting fresh food, thank you to hubby for continuing to help there!
  • Drinking enough water (been hitting 2L plus most days!!)
  • Remembering to take my supplements
  • Hanging in there all by my lonesome

Some other things I have noticed:
  • The eczema is still on my hands in dried form
  • I am down 13 lbs since my first weigh in which was on day 2 (average 1lbs a day)
  • I am not going to the bathroom as much as I think I should be 
  • My breath feels sweet or something, usually noticeable in the morning
  • My sense of smell when it comes to food is definitely heightened

Ok, this week I need to get on the exercise!! And experiment with more different foods to get out of the rut. I also need to plan how I am going to transition from cleanse…

Monday 15 June 2015

(Detox Day 5 thru 8) My 21 day experience with Joshi's Alkaline Diet detox programme

For me these last few days have been rough. I have been a bit cranky and lightly headachy. I know one of the biggest reasons is that I have not been eating enough or getting enough nutrition. Working full time, dealing with life circumstances and eating as fresh as possible is proving to be challenging.

Day 5 (Friday) - I went for lymphatic massage and reflexology. That was great! I did feel though I could take a nap shortly after and probably should have but life called. I think next time I book I will try and make sure I can come home and rest. Today I struggled, for the first time, with wanting food outside of my allowable items when I smelled fresh banana loaf in the oven. I asked my son to make it…then felt a little sad for myself. I have borrowed my brother’s Breville juicer to start juicing, hubby picked it up after work.

Day 6 (Saturday) – I decided that Saturdays will be my liver cleanse drink day. So I used the juicer to make the drink. 300 ml of grapefruit and lemon juice, 200 ml of filtered water, 2 cloves of garlic and a small piece of ginger. First I found the recipe a little lacking. 300 ml of both grapefruit and lemon juicer? Or combined? I went with combined. A small piece of ginger? What does that mean to anyone…let alone Joshi? I used a piece about 2 loonie coins stacked. I was super nervous but it was actually pretty palatable!!! I didn’t even have to plug my nose. The book suggests to follow the drink with some herbal tea made from 3-4 herbs from a list and I had 3 already from my shopping trip! Nettle, fenugreek and dandelion root. It tasted earthy and sweet. It was alright. Later that day I had a gf over and she wanted to have a demo of the juicer so I made a bit of juice with carrot, beet and a pinch of basil and ginger. I didn’t really taste anything but the sweetness of the carrot and beet. I still do not love to drink my veggies L So I will search online for recipes to try..

Day 7 (Sunday) – Our son got baptized so we went out after church for lunch..ha! Between my cleanse and my husband’s gluten intolerance we had slim pickings on a Sunday afternoon in rural Alberta. We ended up at Subway for the kids to have subs and I had a chicken chop salad…with spinach, lettuce, onion, chicken, salt & pepper…not thrilling!! Supper was chicken again in lettuce wraps with vermicelli, some veggies stir fried and a bit of sauce made from Bragg’s soy sauce (so no yeast) and raw honey. It was very tasty but I felt convicted of the soy sauce as it is listed as a no no..but because of the yeast…which mine doesn’t have…but it still contains a lot of sodium L The only sauces I have made thus far have been made with the Bragg’s soy sauce. So I have decided to stay away from it for a week. I need to look into other sauces I can make. Or tough it out and eat plain. I need to make more use of the spices I have bought perhaps.

Day 8 (Monday) – I am officially 1/3 through my cleanse!! Today was kinda rough. Just a long day that started early and didn’t give me much time to deal with food. I’ve just about hit my water intake for the day which is sweet!! I have a niggling headache though. Happy to be where I am but feeling in a slump at the same time.

I need to resolve getting more nutrients into my body. Also, I need to start exercising. Joshi’s explains that exercising is one of the best ways to detox. So I need to move more!!

I haven’t spent much time with family or friends since I started my cleanse. I needed to be in a bubble to get started so I could focus and give attention to the cleanse. I would like to get back into my social life though I feel I haven’t the time if I can’t even get the nutrition I need :s

So far my challenges are:
  • Eating enough in a day and getting enough nutrition
  • Remembering to eat slowly and at a table
  • Getting my morning routine down so I can get to work
  • Exercising
  • Eating supper waaaaay to late (maybe that was just the weekend though)

So far my strengths are:
  • Getting fresh food, thank you to hubby for help there!
  • Drinking enough water
  • Remembering to take my supplements
  • Resolving to stick with it
  • Sticking to the cleanse limititations 97% (dang soy sauce, smoked tofu and 2 bites of gluten free muffin!!)

Some other things I have noticed:
  • The eczema on my hand that flared has dried up but not cleared out
  • I am down 9 lbs since my first weigh in which was on day 2. (average 1.2lbs a day)
  • I am not feeling the hunger pangs as I did the first couple of days.  

Off to google some answers to my juicing dilemma!! 

Thursday 11 June 2015

(Detox Day 2 thru 4) My 21 day experience with Joshi's Alkaline Diet detox programme

No coffee, no sugar, no wheat, no fruit (except banana’s), no red meat (and I’m a hard core carnivore!!), no wiiiiiiiiiiine, no pasta, no potatoes, no processed foods or sauces at all….no problem!!!

This has been way easier on my mental capacity and physical body than I would have thought possible!!! I haven’t updated cuz I have been getting stuff done!!

Tuesday – went to work, planted 40 ish flowers (son helped with some soil), did some yard work (daughter helped with weeding), cooked cod on the grill for the first time, made my own Cajun spice (cumin, coriander and paprika, salt and cracked pepper), rinsed my sprouts in the morning and at night. Drank all my water for the day. I didn’t stop moving till 10:30 ish!! I didn’t necessarily feel like I was bursting with energy but I just kept going.

Wednesday – Watered my flowers, went to work, rinsed my sprouts am/pm, got a haircut, shopped for fresh ground turkey and ginger from Hawaii, ate a 97% perfect meal at Chopped Leaf (didn’t think about the tofu being smoked…which was probably from a liquid full of nitrates…but I stopped eating it once I realized), put an order into mountain rose herbs with a friend, watched a wicked lightening show with my hubby. Drank all my water for the day. One funny thing is on my way out the door to my hair appointment I grabbed a gluten free muffin, as is listed as an ok in the book, but two bites in I was like “Duh, sugar!” so I left it on the counter for one of the kids to eat.

Thursday – Went to work, made a turkey stir fry for supper with a bit of sauce I made from honey/soy sauce alternative/spices, gardened for 2 hours pulling weeds, rinsed sprouts am/pm, watered plants. I drank more than 2L of water today!! My sprouts are ready to eat so I am going to enjoy a sprout salad sandwich tomorrow ;)

So far my challenges are:
  • Eating enough in a day
  • Remembering to chew slowly
  • Getting my morning routine down so I can get to work

So far my strengths are:
  • Getting fresh food, thank you to hubby to for help there!
  • Drinking enough water
  •  Remembering to take my supplements
  •  Having a positive attitude
  • Not spending hours on the couch!!!

Some other things I have noticed:
  • The eczema on my hand has flared up since this morning
  •  Daily down 2lb on the scale
  • Bowel movements are.. different
Looking forward to learning more while on this cleanse!!

Monday 8 June 2015

(Detox Day 1) My 21 day experience with Joshi's Alkaline Diet detox programme day started a little rushed than I wanted to. So I headed to work without (what is going to be a morning ritual) my hot water and lemon drink, followed by my chosen supplements, then my muesli with rice milk and a chopped up banana. So I headed back home for a late breakfast followed by a late lunch/early dinner. This did throw me off quite a bit hunger wise so I must plan for more time tomorrow morning.

I don’t feel as though I hit my water goal of 2L either so I will need to pre pour in the morning. I think if I can have a container that needs to be emptied before bedtime then I will have a greater chance of success.

I did not put any exercise into my day but as the 1st week nears the end I will aim for some.

I tried Turmeric for the first time. I just sprinkled some on brown rice as part of my supper. I am thinking that maybe adding it to the water would work better? I sure did miss butter as I ate the rice but the new found spice made it palatable.

I am experiencing a bit of a headache this evening so I have made some camomile tea and am enjoying it with a bit of raw honey (it doesn't leave a stain like red wine when you miss your mouth just a little bit).

Sitting at a table to eat while I chew adequately without drinking any fluids is proving to be a toughie for me. I love to multi task far too much and feel as though sitting and eating is a waste of time. A thought I will have to change.

It’s funny how you begin to feel healthier just by one excellent meal choice. I look forward to seeing how much better I will feel by the end of the 21 days. But first I must journey through the first few days, which I worry will be hard for my body to adjust too, after the junk I have eaten over the last few months.

(Pre detox Day 4 - 15) My 21 day experience with Joshi's Alkaline Diet detox programme put it simply I wasn't fervent on reading my book daily and I would have liked to start the cleanse sooner than I have. Instead I was extremely lazy and binged on all the foods I knew I would be abstaining from. I know…really not what I should have done…but I did it and I’ll own it!

I have kept the book close and I have very much taken to using a pencil and highlighter in the book. Much of what I have listed thus far in my blog post are the same items I have highlighted in the book.
I had my appointment with Dr. Mountain. It went longer than I thought it would for a few reasons; I caught him up to date with my husband who had a blood clot Dec.1, 2015, I also filled him in on Cassandra (my daughter who has had iron/blood issues and the immune system of a gnat) and my mom was with me so she chatted a bit too. All in all a good visit.

Though he was not familiar with Joshi or his cleanse he did support me going on a cleanse and he did feel though this would be a good cleanse for me. We talked quite a bit about the book and its contents. He was puzzled at some of the information in the book and the absence of other information such as, Turmeric is also an anti-inflammatory for the bowels, joints and brain. Milk thistle was one of the antioxidants that I was most intrigued by and he happens to carry a high dose so I picked that up on my way out of his office.

He also recommended an amino acid supplement N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine and I remembered the book highly recommends a complex B so I headed on over to a health food store. I went up and down the aisles having a quick peek at many things.

I remembered my mom making various sprouts as I was a young teen. Though I didn’t appreciate them then I see their value now. And I have always like alpha sprouts…except maybe when my mom first started making them. I was tempted to purchase the sprouting kit tray thingy but instead I called my mom and asked her if she still had hers. Turns out she doesn’t (no surprise as it was years ago and there have been some provincial moves along the way) but she did tell me you could just do it in a jar. So I am attempting it. Experimenting with it really as I don’t hold up much hope that it will be successful. Perhaps because I am taking on a lot right now with new endeavours (like the fermented veggies I made with a gf just this last Tuesday and the jury is still out).

I really wanted to buy some essential oil(s) but have no clue as to what so I decided to pass for now. Though I did try a sampling of one that was for stress and it smelt really good! I can’t say the same for one called uplift…eeew!!

I also found a bulk wall of various loose items that looked to me like an apothecary so I had fun! I went into my book and found some suggested items like fenugreek, dandelion root and. I also choose elder berries and other fun things to try. Now I want some cool little glass jars that I can label and display as my own mini apothecary!!

I bought a cold Kombucha lemon grass tea and was that ever different!

I swore I’d never turn into a tree hugging, granola eating hippy..but I dare say I might just have some tendencies!

Tuesday 26 May 2015

(Pre detox Day 3) My 21 day experience with Joshi's Alkaline Diet detox programme

I ended up reading chapter 2 – Preparing to Detox and chapter 3 – Detox Foods last night after I posted. Just as well since I haven’t been home till just now. I was at a friend’s greenhouse picking up my annuals for the year and talking about sharing some garden space. Which I am soooo excited about given my renewed motivation to eat better. The only thing is my 21 days starts in about a week and garden goods won’t be ready for months!!

I did get some herb plants that I will be able to use during my detox though. I have already eaten a ton of mint tonight!! So yummy!!

So my learnings from Chapter 2 are:

·        Wash all fruits and veggies before eating them. Something I must  confess I tend not to do…but given that an apple can be sprayed up to 16 times with a combination of 36 different chemicals!! Yuck!!

·        That I need to cook as fresh as possible…so shop more frequently…buy loose veggies and fruits instead of bagged…and cook enough to eat…leftovers are not as good as they lose so much nutritional value.

·        I need to buy more fish and different kinds..this will be a learning curve.

·        I need to juice…my veggies L Can’t say I am excited for this as I have never enjoyed a juice without fruit…but perhaps after this detox I will actually enjoy caesars!!

Learnings from Chapter 3 are:

·        Litmus paper will be a good way to test how my PH level is..wonder where to get it though?

·        A lot of my symptoms are most likely from food or toxin intolerances..this detox will be awesome to figure out what some of them are since it is somewhat like an elimination diet.

·        Drinking with your meals…I remember my uncle Wayne talking about how you shouldn’t drink when you eat. Joshi says room temperature water and sips are good…too much fluids dilutes your digestive enzymes.

·        I’m going to learn about using Turmeric as it aids in digestive enzymes, improves liver function and is a blood purifier.

Well that is it for today…short and sweet.

Monday 25 May 2015

(Pre detox Day 2) My 21 day experience with Joshi's Alkaline Diet detox programme

I have just made it to the end of chapter 1 even considering life commitments (full time job) and family responsibilities (I'm currently cooking supper) but I have hit a mother lode of info on Detox Supplements. (See below)

A few things that have become apparent to me are:

·        I need to increase my water intake BIG TIME for all the reasons I’ve always known (it is how my body cleans itself), Joshi says 2 litres a day. And apparently quality is just as important as quantity. Avoid distilled or reverse osmosis unless on a cleanse…they are dead water forms!!!! Stick to tap or spring water overall!!

·        I will need to will aid in my body to eliminate toxins. Can’t say I’m terribly excited about this…my favourite part of exercise is when I am finished!!

·        I will need to plan on including more good/fresh food sources to my diet after the cleanse as well, to ensure I get waaaaaay more of the essential items my body needs!!! (below is my personal list) 

Note: not an extensive list, I only included info on the essential items my body needs more of...things that stuck out to me personally.

Amino Acids: Glutamine-digestive tract & mental clarity, Choline and Inositol-liver cleansing & brain functions, Phenylalanine-brain activity, Arginine-burns fat & boost immune system. Sources are chicken, fish, eggs and soya products.

Antioxidants:  fresh raw juices like carrots, celery, beetroot, dandelions, apples, pears and green drinks such as wheat grass, spirulina. Alpha Lipoic Acid-helps to protect the liver and pancreas from alcohol damage (found in spinach and broccoli). Green Tea: reduces high blood pressure & slows aging. Lutein-good for heart & skin (found in dark-green leafy veggies). Lycopene-reduce risk of lung cancer (cooked tomatoes, watermelon, pink grapefruit, spinach, peaches and oranges). Milk Thistle-protects liver and kidneys from toxins and pollutants. Zinc-formation of collagen & bone (found in eggs, kelp, lima beans, pecans and whole grains).

Digestive Aids: Amylase, Peptin and Pancreatic Enzymes-impaired liver function & too much acid from food. Chromium- promotes weight loss and cuts down on food cravings. Psyllium Husk-speeds food along the digestive tract.

Liver Nutrients: Antioxidants, essential fatty acids, lecithin, methionine, natural sulphur, selenium, vitamin k and milk thistle.

Kidney Minerals: Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium and Sodium.

Additional Supplements: Vitamins A, B and C. Vitamin B is especially necessary.

Sunday 24 May 2015

(Pre detox day 1) My 21 day experience with Joshi's Alkaline Diet detox programme

An embarrassing confession; over the last decade, give or take, I have abused the crap out of my body. I have overindulged in late nights, eating poorly (including some binge eating), not exercising (hello Netflix marathons), maintaining an unhealthy body weight (BMI says obese), partaking in alcohol (at times too much) and social smoking (give  or take). I have been experiencing some not so pleasant side effects of this life style (if one can call it that). Skin problems such as eczema, bloating, water retention, body odour (primarily underarm), knee pain, horrible menstrual cramps and foggy mental capacity.
I've known for a couple of years that my body would benefit from a cleanse. I also knew that there are so many choices out there, some harmful, some not. I knew it would become a large research endeavor to find the cleanse best suited for me. Which would most likely lead to changes and adaptations in order for it to meet my body needs. I felt overwhelmed knowing my investigation would have me studying concepts and looking up definitions in order to understand the premise of each cleanse. The cost of supplements, dietary changes and the support of a naturopath were all a huge deterrent as well. I was exasperated before I began; so I didn’t.

That changed May 8, 2015. While attending a craft fair of sorts, in Calgary with my mother and sister, we happened upon a booth offering natural body products. I was drawn to inquire, of the female owner of Earth to Body Skin Nutrition, about a product that would aid with my underarm unpleasantness. Early in our conversation she suggested a cleanse. I shared how that was an overwhelming decision for me. Which one? She suggested one she and her family use on a yearly basis, a liver cleanse. That resounded with me as I know given my wine obsession (some might call it an addiction) my liver would most likely need some serious detoxing. With the name of a cleanse and a couple of purchased products I walked away from the booth with the beginnings of a plan formulating in my mind.

Now, book in hand, I have made an appointment with Dr. Mountain (a trusted naturopath) and I have begun reading Joshi’s Alkaline Diet, The 21 day detox programme to a healthier, slimmer you – for life. I have also shared with my trusted friends, in a secret wine group on FB (see, I said I have thing for all things wine), that I am about to embark on a challenge and have asked for their support. I also contacted two trusted local health advocates, shared my plan and have asked to meet with them. Accountability will go a long way with my plan for success.

I feel inept in this journey but I have taken the beginning steps; acknowledging I have a problem and choosing to do something about it as well as setting the stage for a supportive environment with friends and family.

Some of the things I have learnt through my reading, thus far:

·        Joshi’s programme is a holistic one. I have heard the word before but wouldn’t have been able to define it fully. It means, according to Joshi, embracing the individual as a whole rather than as a collection of separate parts or (in health terms) a collage of symptoms (I have long felt that our current health system treats symptoms not causes).
·        my liver is a digestive filtration blood cleaning organ. Hmmmm..has it been that long since biology that I needed the reminder of what this vital organ is? Embarrassing.
·        That perfume is a chemical (I guess I knew this..but it saddens me…especially given my underarm situation).
·        Biodynamic farming is the best way to get the heathiest foods! (I even searched for where I can purchase foods in my area that are biodynamically farmed)

That is as far as I have gotten in my reading. I haven’t made it out of the first chapter, The Principles of Holistic Detox, but I am feeling the motivation more and more.

My next step is to read through the book as much as I can prior to my appointment with Dr. Mountain so I can be ready with questions in hand in order to make the most of my appointment.

Monday 31 October 2011

Scam Alert!!

Yes, it has finally happened to me!! 

I had been told of this scam by my neighbours already but was surprised to actually have a call telling me that my computer has errors and he is needs me to go to my computer so he can help me fix them.

Bottom line…this is a current scam.  What they are after is your personal information...banking information, it sounds like according to various

Saturday 23 April 2011

Bath and Body Works...Looted Again!!

Have you heard the news?  People have been robbing BBW (Bath and Body Works) blind!!  This is the 4th or 5th time that I am personally aware of.  People are literally walking out the doors with multiple bottles/sprays having never paid a penny for them!!  What's more is they are doing it repeatedly.  If this keeps up I don't see how BBW will survive.  These people aren't even doing it in a quiet stealth like manner either.  I've personally seen one of them chat up the lovely ladies who work there, all while filling a bag.  The worst part is...

Friday 22 April 2011

In the Beginning

Not to be confused with the works of God, nor a lame joke about I go.

I believe there is a right and best way to go about beginning pretty much anything, so I'm a bit of a research junkie.  Being as blogging is completely new to me and two of my children will be blogging for the rest of the year; I decided to test the waters with them. Their Literature teacher offered to drop her entire writing curriculum if her students agreed to blog for the rest of the year.  Their Lit teacher is...well, maybe more on that later.

Where to start.  Well it's all in the name right?  I'm still a little confused about the URL name and blog title.  I thought the URL was what your blog was called.  But there is a blog title...which is what your blog is called...I think.

Anyway, below are a few helpful places I came across while researching the subject.